Women Wonder Writers – Jurupa Valley, CA

They are running our 10-week workshop The Write of Your Life, a writing, arts and mentorship program in Jurupa for the Youth Accountability Team.  It is a co-ed class made up of 20 at-risk youth on diversion/probation.  Each class of The Write of Your Life selects a topic they’d like to focus on.  The Jurupa class selected marijuana, but were interested in discussion of its legalization.
December 12, 2013
Women Wonder Writers
Jurupa Valley, CA 

(Below is their Letter of Thanks)
The Jurupa YAT team had the pleasure of watching Ray Lozano deliver his drug presentation to about 35 youth, parents and YAT team members yesterday during The Write of Your Life program at the Jurupa Training and Support Center.  Ray really connected with the kids so much they asked him to return next week!  Having observed many presentations over the past 7 months, I appreciate how rare it is for a speaker to connect with our YAT kids.  It seemed from the youth and parental participation yesterday, that Ray will be a great asset to affect change, especially in the way our youth and community are thinking about marijuana abuse – which is the community awareness topic Jurupa YAT has selected in The Write of Your Life.
Thanks for connecting our community with Ray.