Elks Association Drug Awareness Program (DAP) – Day 2 – Wallingford & Putnam, CT

October 6, 2015

Today my tour continues and I will be speaking for two 60 minute and one 90 minute presentations to high school students on the dangers associated with alcohol and marijuana and the impacts it has on the body. I look forward to answering these inquisitive student’s questions and enlightening them on the facts about alcohol and marijuana. My hope is to educate these students so that they may carry the message to their peers and family members. I look forward to enlightening the students and teachers this year. This tour is sponsored by the Elks Association State Drug Awareness Program (DAP).

October 6, 2015
Lyman Hall High School – Wallingford, CT
Putnam High School – Putnam, CT

Total Attendance: 1357