“3 P’s of Alcohol”, “High Expectations of Marijuana” and “Removing the Smokescreen” – Bishop, CA

April 8, 2015

Today my tour continues and I will be speaking to students from two separate high schools and one middle school for three 60 minute presentations on the dangers associated with alcohol and marijuana use and the impact it has on the body. I will also be presenting on tobacco use and the dangers associated with its use in a presentation that I call “Removing the Smokescreen.” Then this afternoon I will be conducting a 60 minute teacher inservice and this evening I will be presenting a 90 minute parent training located at one of the local schools spreading my knowledge about alcohol and marijuana and answering any questions the parents may have. I look forward to meeting the students, teachers and parents.  


April 8, 2015
Bishop High School, Home Street Middle School
Bishop, CA

Ray Lozano- Prevention Plus Bishop 4-8-15 4