How Do People Use MDMA (Ecstasy)?

People who use MDMA usually take it as a capsule or tablet, though some swallow it in liquid form or snort the powder. The popular nickname Molly (slang for “molecular”) often refers to the supposedly “pure” crystalline powder form of MDMA, usually sold in capsules. However, people who purchase powder or capsules sold as Molly often actually get other drugs such as synthetic cathinones (“bath salts”) instead.

The effects of ecstasy are usually felt about 20 minutes to an hour after it’s taken and last for around 6 hours.  

The following effects may be experienced:

  • Feeling happy, energetic and confident
  • Large pupils 
  • Jaw clenching and teeth grinding
  • Heightened senses (sight, hearing and touch)
  • Excessive sweating and skin tingles
  • Muscle aches and pains
  • Nausea and reduced appetite
  • Fast heartbeat 
  • Dehydration 
  • Heat stroke 
  • Drinking extreme amounts of water (can cause death)

If a large amount or a strong batch of ecstasy is consumed the following may also be experienced:

  • Floating sensations
  • Hallucinations
  • Out-of-character irrational behavior
  • Anxiety
  • Irritability, paranoia and violence
  • Vomiting
  • High body temperature 
  • Racing heart beat

– In the days after ecstasy use, the following may be experienced:

  • Restless sleep and exhaustion
  • Anxiety, irritability and depression
  • Difficulty concentrating

The use of depressant drugs such as alcohol, benzodiazepines or cannabis to help with these ‘come down’ effects, may result in dependence on both types of drugs.

Long term effects

Regular use of a lot of ecstasy may eventually cause:

  • Colds or flu
  • Depression
  • Needing to use more to get the same effect
  • Dependence on ecstasy
  • Financial, work and social problems