13 in Richmond, VA Hospitalized After Consuming “Bad” Heroin

According to officials, at least thirteen individuals in the area of Richmond, VA were hospitalized within recent weeks following the ingestion of heroin which tests confirmed was adulterated using a veterinary drug.

Oftentimes, drug sellers add substances like starch, caffeine, flour, sugar, as well as powdered milk to pure heroin in order to boost the amount of the drug and its profits. However, there’ve been reports of additional, more harmful substances added, and as heroin is illegal within the United States, there isn’t any production oversight.

Virginia Commonwealth University’s Virginia Poison Center officials notified health officials of the state in March upon receiving phone calls concerning individuals who were hospitalized within the Richmond region for unusually dangerous reactions to heroin, which includes a few who required treatment in cardiac ICU (intensive care units).

Dr. Marissa J. Levine, State Health Commissioner, sent out an alert that was dated March 26th to physicians to be aware of cases. During that point, 6 cases were reported.

(Read article here: http://www.richmond.com/news/local/article_9145cda4-4642-52c5-924e-fa8117441ceb.html)